Update: 26.4.2015
Aufgrund des drastischen Anstiegs der Asylbewerberzahlen in Ungarn (die sich innerhalb von nur zwei Jahre verzwanzigfacht haben), wird es in naher Zukunft wohl zu einigen weitreichenden Gesetzesverschärfungen kommen, darunter u.a.:
1. Inhaftierung aller irregulären Migranten/Asylsuchenden
2. Durchführung der Verfahren innerhalb weniger Tage
3. Verpflichtung zur gemeinnützigen Arbeit.
Ausführlich hierzu in diesem Artikel des Europäischen Flüchtlingsrats (ECRE) und in dieser Presseinformation des Ungarischen Helsinki Komitee. Bisher ist allerdings noch nichts verabschiedet und es liegt noch nicht mal ein Gesetzesvorschlag vor. Die Aussagen Orbáns der letzten Zeit lassen allerdings wenig Zweifel daran, dass es bald zu massiven Verschärfungen kommen wird. Im Rahmen einer „nationalen Konsultation“ werden diesbezüglich sogar ungarische Haushalte befragt. Hierzu mehr im Pester Llyod. Die Fragen lauten wie folgt:
- How important is the spread of terrorism as far as your own life is concerned?
- In your opinion could Hungary become the target of terrorism in the next few years?
- Do you agree that mistaken immigration policies contribute to the spread of terrorism?
- Did you know that economic immigrants cross the border illegally and that lately their numbers have increased twentyfold?
- Do you agree with the opinion that economic immigrants endanger the jobs and livelihoods of the Hungarian people [magyar emberek]?
- In your opinion did Brussels’ policies on immigration and terrorism fail?
- Would you support the government in its effort to introduce stricter immigration regulations in opposition to Brussels?
- Would you support a new regulation that would allow the government to place immigrants who illegally entered the country into internment camps?
- In your opinion should those immigrants who illegally enter the country be returned to their own countries in the shortest possible time?
- Do you agree that those economic immigrants who stay in Hungary should have to work to cover the cost of their keep?
- Do you agree that the best means of combating immigration is to give economic assistance to the countries of origin of the immigrants?
- Do you agree with the government that instead of allocating funds to immigration we should support Hungarian families and those children yet to be born?